![]() I heard about The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success by Jim Dethmer, Diana Chapman, and Kaley Klemp via Matt Mochary, the author of The Great CEO Within. I finally had a chance to read it and learned a lot from it. I liked how it split each leadership concept by above or below "the line" behaviors and how the concept manifests. The book also reminded me of many others I've read about meditation, mindfulness, and the application of those to leadership and work. It was also eye-opening to consider which of the 15 I'm ok at and which I really struggle with and can work on improving. Below are my main takeaways and notes on the book. I highly recommend it. Intro
preface Conscious vs unconscious leadership examples Leading from above the line Below the line unconscious, defensive, being right Above the line conscious, curious, learning Content vs context (how) Unconscious leaders reactive 4 ways of leading in the world. Not stages of development To me Why events happening to me and how to fix Blaming By me What can I learn from this Everything happening as it should Taking responsibility Through me Opening to another, universe, presence Purpose and vision Listening attentively What is biggest idea in itself that wants to manifest through me and the org Surrender and letting go of control As me Oneness Nonduality Absence of personal me No more questions, seeking, suffering Focus on transition from to me to by me first Commitment 1: taking radical responsibility Default is blaming Toxic fear Self blame is not taking responsibility What can I learn from this? World should be a certain way vs world just shows up Rigidity and close mindedness vs curiosity, learning, wonder Encouraging others to be fully responsible for own lives Learning vs being right or blaming When situations (not problems) arise, default thought should be “what can I learn from this?” How did I create this situation? Taking 100% responsibility worksheet Commitment 2: learning through curiosity Self awareness Learning agility Influence Ask self where am I? Above or below the line Drift/shift model Present vs not Something happens and we drift out of presence Drifting: procrastinating, below line activities, wasting time Everyone drifts. Question is for how long before you shift Am I willing to shift? Shifting Requires practice Shift blood chemistry and shift consciousness Conscious breathing shifts blood chemistry 4 deep inhales and exhales (4 seconds each) Shift posture to open Shift move: wonder Open ended curiosity Ask open ended question I wonder what outrageous customer service would look like I wonder what I can learn today Dedication to self awareness Know what don’t know Feedback gives us info Commitment in action Commit to learning over being right Choose curiosity and wonder Commitment 3: feeling all my feelings Feel them deeply all the way through instead of repress or avoid Feelings and emotions just occur and don’t define us Anger, fear, sadness, joy primary emotions Identify where the feeling is in the body Releasing emotion Identify where in body what is happening Breathe Allow, accept, appreciate the sensation Match your experience with your expression If this sensation could make a sound, what would it be? Wisdom of feelings What was no longer in service of you What is something you need to look at which may not be Practicing this commitment Stop throughout day and ask what feeling right now Don’t analyze it or ask why Pause and locate sensation and what it’s doing Commitment 4: speaking candidly Reveal or conceal Reveal our judgments to reveal ourselves, not because we are right I noticed that I had a judgment that you treated me disrespectfully when x happened. My desire is simply to let you know; I don’t need to be right about it. I wanted to reveal myself so you can know me and so we have the possibility of a connected relationship Own versus project. What we feel reveals about us Agree on commitment to candor with those around you Don’t practice candor to change the other person 3 circles of candor Truth: accuracy of what you reveal Openness: how much you reveal Awareness: self awareness of your situation Listen to your complaints about others and ask how is this true about me Speaking unarguably: reveal what is unarguable Thoughts Feelings I’m having a thought that we should find a new head of marketing No attachment to being right about it I feel x feeling I’m having a body sensation of x Leaders operating from fear or love. Candor is speaking from love. How do I speak all of my truth in most loving way possible? Conscious listening Don’t listen with filters like “how to fix” filter or “how to diagnose” filter Listen to the emotions and reflect back and confirm you heard right Commitment 5 eliminating gossip Statement about another they wouldn’t share in the same way if the other were in the room Listener of gossip responsible too Is it gossip Is there any negative intent? Would you be willing to speak directly to them about it in the exact same way? How to clean up gossip Reveal to those whom you have been speaking about, to whom you have been speaking, and from whom you have been listening Sample script in book Lay out all facts on table and encourage the expression of stories which we make up about the facts but none of which are true Facts don’t cause stress. Stories do. Hold your story lightly and own that it’s yours Clearing model Distinguish facts from stories Being clear means you no longer have any unexpressed facts or stories or desires Facts are what a video camera would record What I hear you saying is Is there more? With curiosity and open heart Are you clear? Commitment 6 practicing integrity Wholeness Congruence Alignment Impeccable agreements Making clear agreements Who will do what by when and get back to you Need agreement from other side. Whole body yes Keeping track of agreements Getting things done method Keeping your agreements 90% completion rate Renegotiate agreements As soon as you realize you won’t keep an agreement, communicate directly with affected parties and renegotiate Change scope Change what to be done Change deadline Renegotiate less than 10% of what you commit to Cleaning up broken agreements Don’t need to explain Just take full responsibility and ask to repair trust Ask if anything can be done to clean up the broken agreement What have I unfelt that I should feel What have I unsaid that I should say What have I been withhholding Have I kept all my agreements with x person Have I been blaming others about x Am I to blame about Commitment 7 generating appreciation Giving and receiving appreciation fully vs entitlement Sensitive awareness Treat appreciation like a gift Need to give 5 positive comments for 1 negative one for relationship to grow Key elements Sincerity Unarguable truth Specificity Succinct language Word cloud of appreciation per person Culture exercise in book Commitment 8 excelling in your zone of genius Zone of incompetence Zone of competence Lack of fulfillment Zone of excellence Safe Costs you energy Feels like work Zone of genius State of flow and fun Fear holds you back Befriend your upper limits Integrate new experiences Genius mail exercise in book Best self exercise in book Review calendar and rate each activity as increasing or decreasing energy and time spent on each Delegate, dump, or do differently each Commitment 9 living the life of play and rest Play, improv, laughter vs hard work and struggle Yes and. Adapting Exertion vs effort Styles of play Persona play Commitment 10 exploring the opposite When you don’t believe your thoughts, you stop suffering Experience opposite of your thoughts Who would you be without that thought Would you rather be right or free Remain unattached to any outcome Byron Katie do the work Commitment 11 sourcing approval, control, and security Source these internally or externally What is the core want driving this and is it coming from out there and if only Could I let this wanting go? What if everything perfect now and nothing missing? Sedona method Commitment 12 having enough of everything Sufficiency not scarcity More is better myth Scarcity and comparison Book the soul of money Sufficiency meditation Notice abundance of each moment Commitment 13 experience the world as ally All people and circumstances there to teach me vs obstacles What could you learn from this situation or person Commitment 14 creating win for all solutions Get candid Create many possible solutions Commitment 15 being the resolution Be the solution in the world To me vs by me Seeing what is missing Invitation Whole body yes to invitation Change formula What’s at risk if I change
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