![]() The next Ayn Rand book on my list was Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, which I finished recently. It was a series of essays written by her and other authors around the topics of economics and politics. It was interesting how the essays managed to convey the essence of her philosophy, but I did find it a bit repetitive after reading her other work, especially Philosophy: Who Needs It and The Virtue of Selfishness. I did like that the focus here was on economics and the results of applying the principles to that field. It was also interesting how many of the essays focused on current events at the time of her writing. I got a nice perspective on life in the '60s. I did find some of the essays got too much into the weeds of the political events rather than the broader issues and lessons to be learned. The parts I found most interesting were those dealing with the gold standard and the capital markets. I'm curious what modern day Objectivist economists think about her (and Greenspan's) arguments. Below are my notes on the book, which I did find useful overall. Introduction Not about politics but about man's nature and philosophy Nonfiction footnote to atlas Theory and history Ch 1 what Is capitalism Demise of philosophy Slavery to king changed to slavery to tribe Must study man not community Does man on his own mind or is he the property of the community to be disposed of as they wish Capitalism is The only system where man is free and where property rights are absolute No use of physical force Governments role is to protect men's rights Government can only use force to defend men's rights and in retaliation Myth of the common good Intrinsic good doesn't have to do with man Subjective good doesn't have to do with reality Objective good: something in reality as discovered and evaluated by mans mind Capitalism only system that is based on objective standard of good Man at top of intellectual pyramid gets only material reward but gets nothing intellectual from those below him Man at bottom gets full payment for his direct work and contributes no ideas to those above Ch 2 the roots of War Trade better than conquest Must outlaw use of force to stop wars Ch 3 america's persecuted minority: big business Discriminations and penalties based on abilities Scapegoat in America is the businessman like the Jew in Germany Freedom is only lack of physical coercion Only right delegated to govt is use of force Businessman's tool is value Politicians is fear Sherman act began downfall Retroactive laws Antitrust laws: Penalizing ability for ability Illegal to set prices too high, too low, or same as others Size is irrelevant Ch 4 antitrust by Alan Greenspan Takes huge skill and productivity to maintain share Capital market regulates prices and monopolies, creates no coercive monopolies Ch 5 common fallacies about capitalism by BRANDen Monopolies No monopolies in free market Monopolies only created by law Govt should not manipulate money supply Banks and capital flows and gold standard regulate properly Depressions In free market one persons mistake hurts only him In controlled market one central planners mistake hurts everyone Govt manipulation of money supply makes depression Labor unions Should be voluntary to join and deal with Public education Not prerogative of state Child's mind not property of state Should be free competition Inherited wealth Progressive taxation prevents newcomer from building up wealth and protects big firms and lets them do routine Wealth purely choice of owner in who he gives it to Practicality Ch 6 gold and economic freedom by Greenspan Medium of exchange should be durable commodity Must be a luxury Must be divisible, homogeneous Must have scarcity and high unit value Free banking system self regulates expansion by loans given and interest rates banks choose to charge Small business cycles were much less severe on gold standard Federal reserve wanted to eliminate biz cycles and make unending growth through credit creation Gold standard not compatible with unlimited deficit spending for welfare programs No safe store of value without gold standard Gold is protector of property rights Ch 7 history of free enterprise Villain not free enterprise but govt controls Only man of lesser ability runs to govt for control Railroads and Vanderbilt forced into corruption by govt regulation Solution is separation of govt and economics like separation of church and state Ch 11 industrial revolution on women and children by Robert kesson Child labor Factories reduced infant mortality Saved children from death by starvation Women Factories offered means of survival and more independence Ch 9 the assault on integrity by Greenspan Businessmen would sell only the best things for their own profit and greed Those who lie would not survive Value of brand and reputation Natural incentive to scrupulous quality Bad protection drives out good Minimum standards become the maximums Destroys competition for reputation Ch 10 the property standards of airwaves Same as ownership of land Should be private To make something available best to everyone out it on free market and let ppl pay Govt control of broadcasting leads to censorship Ch 11 patents and copyrights Heart of intellectual property rights Protect property Ch 12 theory and practice No self sacrifice in capitalism Altruism doctrine of hatred of man Sacrifice as its end Blind chaos Ch 13 let us alone Only way government can help business is by leaving it alone Brain drain from socialist England Motives do not alter facts Monarchists steal from subjects openly Ch 14 anatomy of compromise All cooperation between rational and irrational makes irrational win No collaboration between free and communist countries United Nations including soviet Russia Ch 15 is atlas shrugging Revolt against reason, against mind in society Intelligence has been going on strike for a while Brain drain Socialized medicine has huge cost in killing off theoretical scientists who make discoveries Penalizing ability for being ability Need should not dictate rights Robin Hood bad symbol Ch 16 the pole peddlers Foreign aid programs Appeals to altruism Duty to support underdeveloped nations Fear of other nations and so need to help them to be friendly Ch 17 extremism and smearing Package deal terms used to smear Anti concept of extremism Compromise is not supreme virtue Ch 18 obliteration of capitalism Mixed economy is country in obliteration Ch 19 conservatism an obituary Freedom or dictatorship Capitalism and altruism incompatible Only right to exist and be free Ch 20 new fascism Dominant trend of day: collectivism Vesting of ownership and control to community/stat Aristocracy of pull Rich by connection and favor Guild socialism Shackling of able got benefit of mediocre Socialism result of philosophy of pragmatism and no objective reality Ch 21 wreckage of the consensus Draft is evil Volunteer/paid army better Ch 22 cashing in Berkeley student rebellion Mystics of muscle About fighting ideologically Ideas can only be fought with better ideas Ch 23 alienation by branden Frohme Man's alienation But should be objective Life not intrinsically tragic Ch 24 requiem for man Appendix Mans rights It is not a right when it violates another man's right Rights only of individuals Nature of government Required to protect individual rights and monopolize force for retaliation Force only under objective laws Individuals can do anything unless illegal Govt can do nothing unless directed by ppl Constitution limited govt not ppl
July 2024
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