![]() I recently finished reading The Opposite of Worry: The Playful Parenting Approach to Childhood Anxieties and Fears by Lawrence Cohen, and I enjoyed it and learned a lot. It discusses anxiety, perfectionism, control, and many other related topics as they affect both kids and parents. I really liked the focus on playfulness, roughhousing, and listening/empathy. The "second chicken" analogy made a lot of sense to me -- how kids look to adults to decide if they should worry or not. The specific stories and cases were helpful to read as well. I definitely recommend this to anyone who has faced these issues themselves or has kids that do. Below are some of my notes and takeaways. Introduction
When first chicken frightened it looks to see how second chicken reacts Children get scared when parents get scared Over sensitive alarm security system All clear signal also not effective if too anxious Avoidance increases anxiety Playful approach to parent anxiety Getting down on the floor Pretend to be patient while they are doctor Rough and tumble play Imaginative play Avoidance isn’t a good solution Do something scary, fun, and safe every day 1 childhood anxiety: alert, alarm, assessment, all clear Teach children about how anxiety affects the body and creates butterflies in stomach Security system Parents as comforting presence Slowing down important for accepting all clear Assessment requires thinking brain Scared and safe: tell yourself you feel scared due to anxiety not due to external world Tell kid about parts of security system Overprotective parenting creates anxious parents Ask kid “do you feel safe?” Give child stuffed animal to pretend to be security guard who is overcautious and scared and play silly games pretending to be scared of another stuffed animal Reverse roles: parent pretends to be scared while child strong and confident Reverse psychology: ask kid to not do what you want Pretend to be overactive alarm and make up something pretend silly like “oh no there are pirates” and have kid play role of all clear signal and tell you the coast is clear then come out and find another pretend danger like a pencil and have kid convince you again 2 the second chicken: parenting with empathy and confidence Be calm second chicken Parenting with empathy Don’t dismiss their feelings Acknowledgment better Would you let me be in charge of safety? Project calm confidence Be second chicken that’s calm and calming Practice your own relaxation as parent You have to be your own parent Can you look into my eyes and see if I’m scared? Discuss your own safety plan and how you relax If parent too anxious, send to summer camp with non-anxious counselors What’s the worst thing about monsters? What would happen if they came out? What do you feel in your body when you think about that? Get deeper into understanding child fears Validate first then provide reassurance I hear you saying x. Is that right? (Reflect back what they said) It seems like anxiety is trying to get you to do x If reassurance hasn’t worked in 15 sec, stop and try something else Physical challenges good, rough housing Tell kids that was brave, that took courage Courage is being scared and doing it anyways Draw picture of your anxiety and superpower you used to vanquish it 3 relaxation and roughhousing: anxiety and the body Fearometer Subjective units of distress scale Ask for 1-10 or green to red Have child create and then rate level of stress Just evaluating level lowers level What’s your number right now Goal is movement down the scale, no matter how slow Relaxation Did the number go down Warm water, soft music From 8-10 physical comfort can lower, shaking, hugging, making noise Can write my down on paper “I’m having a panic attack” and then read to self as reminder that it won’t be the end of the world From 3-8 have them count slowly from their number down to 1 then ask again what number they’re at (can repeat and also visualize self walking down stairs) Vigorous exercise in rhythmic way. Running or jumping jacks. Pouring water Mountain pose Have child be mountain and you pretend to be storm of anxiety or fear and try to push them over gently One breath one movement Down dog to plank and back Or move neck left and right From 3 to -3: very relaxed Negative numbers deep relaxation Guided imagination Massage Tense muscles and then slowly release tension while you count from 5 to 1 and go through whole body Paint relaxing picture for guided visualization Pretend to fly, go to beach The breath Acceptance Notice breathing and slow it down 3 deep breaths Big dragon breaths and blow out with mouth Cool down pizza breath Practice being loud Roller coaster game: practice moving body fast to feel a bit of fear and practice relaxing Hold hand, massage Vigorous exercise Silly dance and wiggles Taking up as much space as you can Drawing and writing Squeeze ball in hand Roughhousing between parent and child Pushing hands game to match strengtb Short wrestling bouts Do exercises together with child so not just about them Pretend to roll up kid into burrito with blanket 4 the edge: approaching avoidance Need to spend time on the edge of a fear to get comfortable Choices: Avoidance, flooding, white knuckling, facing fear and feeling the feeling Remind how they handled fears before Look around at others who are fine I feel you scared. I’ll hold you as long as you like and when you’re ready I’ll help you go together. Stop and go game for when doing something a little scary Kid says stop and parent stops Then kid says go and parent continues Secret mission Send child to secretly get something far away then come back Think it, feel it, confront it Think of something you fear then get used to it through relaxation technique Remote control game to talk about something child afraid of You narrate and child says rewind or fast forward when they want you to go slower or faster or skip something Make your own metaphor Kid to make up own metaphor or story about what fears For kid who wants to talk, ask deeper questions What do you feel in body What’s the worst that could happen Ask for advice for another kid with similar fear and treat kid as expert Role reversal play You pretend to be scared while kid comforts you Make believe roles as scientist, detective, spy, superhero 5 dr Spock and Mr Spock Regulating emotions Mad, sad, glad, afraid Flame model of emotion: can get bigger or can put water on it through relaxation Action urge from emotion: do the opposite of what the urge is Can you find 3 blue things in this room? Can you count down from 50 to 1? Be matter of fact about sexuality No such thing as a wrong feeling Be the spokesperson for the feeling Feelings time at end of day; Do you have any leftover feelings about xyz Have kid say something they want to empty chair representing someone Faster slower game Have kid run left or right based on your instructions quickly of direction and speed 6 what if vs what is: challenging anxious thoughts Indecisiveness, perfectionism, over preparation Acknowledge and empathize Challenge vs arguing Invite children to develop own arguments Have kid make list of how to challenge own anxious thoughts Playfully challenge Fortunately unfortunately One person starts sentence with fortunately Next starts next sentence with unfortunately Then they continue alternating Continue until conclusion and giggle away bad thoughts Anxiety lab game where kid like scientist tries to spot patterns in anxiety and test it in different ways Wysia: what you see is all there is Don’t read into small things a bigger thing Draw anxiety then speak to it Challenge anxious thinking with what is Ask is it true and can you be absolutely sure it’s true? Don’t believe everything you believe Activate multiple pathways in brain (not just anxiety) through play and activities Find 5 green things as fast as you can Notice feeling of air on skin Silly dancing Solve math problem Rate anxiety on 1-10 scale Think of spark, flame, fuel, water metaphor Transform anxious thoughts by welcoming them Worry as hard as you can for a specific period of time Then don’t worry until next worry time Write out worries and put in box Keep asking and then what will happen/so what about fears What else is just as important to you Change the scary images into silly ones “Safe adventures” 7 monsters under the bed and childhood anxieties Attachment anxiety Peekaboo Hide and seek Reverse roles and pretend to cling to child and never let them go Pretend to be wearing worst shoe ever if kid attached to foot Make sign for missing parent Social anxiety Scheduling in extra warm up time Keep saying hi warmly several times over time until they say hi Guess what others feeling Use puppets and practice speaking in front of them Have child teach you social skills Role playing and exaggerated responses Monsters under bed Represents deeper fears like being alone Schedule regular roughhousing times Make up happy dream before bed Life dangers What feels good vs feels right Watch scarier films at home Pillow fights daily for 10 min Turn off television Traumatic fears Inflexibility Perfectionism Upside down U curve of performance vs stress Indecisiveness Less choices Coin toss Procrastination Weekly routines but also some flexibility Gently push Desire to please Special time 1:1 with adult doing whatever kid wants Life and death Worry soup 8 finding joy Cure for anxiety is silly dancing Anxiety never eliminated, just state of mind to be managed Externalize the problem away from the person Can outsmart their anxiety Roughhousing Curiosity helps Pets Volunteering to help others Teach relaxation techniques Sibam: sensations, images, behaviors, effects, meaning Create personal anti-anxiety notebook with scale, various drawings and ideas child creates that help them. Stories about successes. Pages about security system. Relaxation exercises. Games from book. 10 principles Start with warmth, empathy, and understanding Teach children the basics of the security system: alert, alarm, assessment, and all clear. And flame model (spark, flame, fuel, water). Balance patience and acceptance with gentle challenges and playful push Do things every day that are scary, fun, and safe Play. Laughter loosens everything. Welcome every emotion and focus on what is vs what if Help children get out of their thoughts and into their bodies. Relaxation, breathing, and mindfulness, roughhousing, drawing. Be the calm second chicken instead of dismissing or endlessly reassuring Promote tolerance in face of uncertainty and risk Address every aspect of life affected by anxiety References Playful parenting Homesick and happy The art of roughhousing Hand in hand parenting
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